Kamil Goerlich is a filmeditor and filmmaker based on Reichenau Island

From 2003 to 2011 Kamil Goerlich studied free painting, performance and video art at Prof. Marianne Eigenheer, Prof. Cordula Güdemann and Prof. Christian Jankowski. From 2006 to 2009 he was a member of the artist group "zenit&nadir - visual sound performance". Since he had increasingly devoted himself to the medium of video art during the last phase of his art studies at Prof. Christian Jankowski, Kamil Goerlich began parallel studies at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg in 2009 in the field of film editing, which he also successfully completed in 2014 with a diploma. During his film studies, he made several experimental short films and three self-portraits, as well as a 60-minute documentary about him and his voice, which he "lost" in 2001.